But Victoria didn't stop there. Realizing this movement needed a ripple effect, and knowing that with the power of many great things can happen, she created a digital course and certification so that dancer instructors worldwide could learn about inclusive dance also. Her Tap for All Course and Certification empowers and demystifies teaching the two populations left out of the dance equation - seniors and the disabled.
Victoria now shares her message of dance inclusion by inspiring and giving back to the next generation of hopefuls, so that the perspective of what dance is and what a dancer looks like will create a long-lasting change for people with disabilities, and open the door to dance to everyone, not just some.
*Inspirational Speaker
*Inclusive Dance Expert
*Former Broadway Dancer
Welcome to the official website for Victoria Moore Tap Dance.
Victoria is a master tap instructor with over 40 years of sharing her love, knowledge, and expertise of tap dancing in dance conventions coast to coast in the U.S., as well as studio, and private settings.
From Exclusive to Inclusive
In 2018, Victoria realized that tap dance was singularly exclusive to non-disabled dancers, leaving those with disabilities and any kind of mobility impairment out. Victoria not only created a way to turn the art of tap dancing from exclusive to inclusive, she wrote a book on the subject so that everybody, not just those who have fully functioning physiques, could learn and enjoy tap dance.
"We Rise By Lifting Others - By shifting one’s perspective of what dance is, what a dancer looks like, and what it means to be a dancer, we begin to open the door to dance so that ALL dancers are welcome."
-Victoria Moore
Tap Dance For All
Creator / Course and Certification / Master Instructor
42nd Street – US, Japan, Canada
Sugar Babies – US
Master Tap TeacheR/Dance Competition Judge
Fluid Dance Conventions
Elite Dance Challenge
Dance Makers, Inc.
Los Angeles and Ventura are dance studios
American Academy of Dramatic Arts: New York